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Pradžia > Japonijos - Lietuvos ryšiai > Japonijos ir ES simpoziumas „ES Rytų partnerystė ir saugumo situacija Rytų Azijoje“


Symposium on Japan-EU Cooperation:
EU Eastern Partnership and Security Situation in East Asia


   On 11 October, 2013, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan and the Eastern Europe Studies Centre (EESC) in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania and the Parliament of Lithuania (Seimas) will be holding a symposium on Japan-EU cooperation EU Eastern Partnership and Security Situation in East Asia”. The event will be held in the Constitutional Hall of the Seimas from 9.30 AM.

Japan and EU have been collaborating to hold Japan-EU Joint Symposium since 2002, to promote coordination between civil societies, cultural exchange and people to people exchange. This year, the Symposium is organized in Lithuania during its EU Presidency term.

As one of the priorities of Lithuania’s EU presidency is EU Eastern Partnership program, the first part of the event is dedicated to discuss the possible future scenarios of the Eastern Partnership and the involvement of Japan. Also, as EU is playing a more active role in global external policy, security issues in East Asia will be discussed in the second part.

Speakers will include politicians, officials and experts from Lithuania and Japan. Please find the initial agenda attached. The language of the Symposium is both Lithuanian and English with a simultaneous translation.

The registration is open until Thursday, 10 October, 12.00 AM. Please contact vytautas.kersanskas@eesc.lt to confirm your attendance.

We look forward to your participation!



